The Block Garage + Laundry | Girls vs Boys

The Block houses are nearly complete. The last week was spent on the garage and laundry, as well as fixing and finishing any last details throughout the house. It was another action packed week with loved ones visiting; a mysterious leak at Emma and Courtney's house; challenges that involved helping the community; and another altercation between Big Dyls and Peter Wolfkamp over the use of power tools after 6pm. All that on top of very little sleep and budget troubles, it's exhausting just watching! E+C took out their second win in a row, so their money worries are looking a little brighter.

Emma and Courtney: 1st place - 16.5 points (8 from Fiona and 8.5 from Paul)

High scores for spaces that are more about function than style, but the girls made some great choices. Their carpet is a practical grey that should hide many sins, and the teak cabinetry around the laundry warms the space and adds a bit more interest. A peg board tool wall and a pull-out work bench are handy and clever additions.

The laundry is practical and tidy with plenty of bench space and storage, and I like the subtle tiles which add a bit of texture. As much as we may not want to, we have to spend a fair bit of time in the laundry, especially if you have kids, so you want the space to be nice as well as functional.

Dyls and Dylz: 2nd place - 15 points (8 from Fiona and 7 from Paul)

With polished concrete floors and ply lined walls, the boys' garage is minimal but pretty cool. I like that mix of materials, and again it will be really practical and easy to keep clean.

Their clever addition is a set of pull-down stairs up to an attic space, which provides valuable additional storage.

The laundry set up is simple but practical. The black light switches are a nice touch.

Sam and Emmett: 3rd place - 14.5 points (7 from Fiona and 7.5 from Paul)

I really like Sam and Emmet's spaces, and I think it must've only been their finishes that let them down. They have a couple of extra rooms, which is great for re-sale but just more work for the boys to complete. They also used ply on some of their walls and I like the way they've finished it with the simple skirts and trims.

The Bosch tool wall won in a previous challenge is a massive plus for the future owners, and the bulk head with built-in speakers in very cool too. The boys had a "-1" to play but decided, after hearing the initial comments about their space, that they would hold on to it. This turned out to be a wise decision as it wouldn't have helped them win.

Sam and Emmett are the only ones with a seperate laundry, and it's a great space with fully tiled walls and large bench space for folding washing or laying out woollens to dry. The black and white links back to their kitchen.

Niki and Tiff: last place - 12.5 points (6 from Fiona and 6.5 from Paul)

It's not often we see Niki and Tiff at the bottom of the points ladder unless part of a strategic move. Their laundry space was their typical style with some beautiful tile choices. I love these along with the painted brick and panelled sliding door.

A wine fridge and a smaller fridge in the garage will come in handy, I'm sure, but I knew the jet black carpet in the garage was a mistake as soon as I saw them choose it. It looks smart for about 10 seconds and then "everything" will show up on it. I made the mistake of putting really dark carpet down once and never again - it was a nightmare. I know this is just a garage and not a living space, but because of that it's likely to get twice as dirty.

As usual the girls' styling and attention to detail is fantastic. I love the black sink and tap with the crisp white bench and dark blue tiles, along with the styling touches. Unfortunately, one of the reasons for their low scores were some untidy finishes, so there will be a lot for all of the teams to finish up this week in time for their open homes.

It's hard to believe the houses are nearly finished, it still amazes me at the rate these homes are turned around in. This week is outdoor week, and judging by the state of the mud around, it'll be an interesting one. I don't envy them! Catch up on all the news on TV3.