Establishing Your Style

Last week I was contacted by the lovely Tina from Roomie. She was putting together an article for Stuff and asked if I could share one of our most commonly asked design questions. I was happy to help, and decided to focus on a question that I think is very important... how to establish an interior style...


We often work with clients who want help defining their style. Some people were born knowing it, and for others it takes time. Your home should be an extension of you, it should reflect your likes and interests, tell a story, and celebrate the people that live there.


Try looking to your wardrobe for inspiration. What colours, patterns and textures are you drawn to? What places make you feel happy - the beach, a certain cafe…? Try and translate that feeling into your home.





Definitely the most favoured Bibby + Brady tool for establishing your style is Pinterest - a free website that enables you to ‘pin’ images from anywhere on the internet to your own pin boards. If you don’t already know your style, you will be surprised how quickly a pattern emerges once you start pinning.

Even if, and when, you find your style and know what you love, you still may want help pulling it all together. Maybe you don't know where to start looking for that perfect piece of furniture that is unique to you; or you're just so busy with the rest of your life that finding the time to design and decorate your home is tough... This is where Bibby + Brady can help. Dael and I specialise in creating amazing spaces that reflect their owners. Our job is to make things easier for you, and in the process of creating a home that you'll love, I'm pretty sure we'll also save your huge amount of time, and money (by avoiding costly mistakes). Come and visit us!

AnthroFave | Pinterest

I love Anthropologie with it's mix of clothing, accessories, gifts, and home decor, often with a global vibe. With international shipping available I've bought several items so far and been very happy with them all. Recently, while on Pinterest, I've noticed #AnthroFave coming up a lot, and upon investigation discovered a group Pinterest board called Your Anthropologie Favorites. It's a place to share your favourite finds from this amazing store, whether it's a dress, a lipstick, a chair, anything you love... I've chosen a few of my fave items from the board, but there is so much more.

I applaud Anthropologie, it's a very clever marketing strategy. If you want to add your favourites to the board you just need to ask them for an invite. See the top of the Pinterest board for more details.

Celebrity Style

In the early days of my blog, and when I was just starting out with my Cush & Nooks Facebook page, I shared a cute bunk bed image in my Kids album, and Jessica Alba then shared it on her page.

Yes, you heard me right, Jessica Alba - gorgeous, celebrity, "Into the Blue" Jessica Alba! Well, my Facebook 'likes' went through the roof as lots of her fans came over to check out my little ole page.

This morning I was reading an article on Domaine about the best celebrities to follow on Pinterest, and Jessica was one of them. As you'd expect, she has fabulous taste, and I was happy to see quite a few pins that I already have on my own Pinterest boards.

Another of my favourite celebs is Nicole Richie, and I had lots of fun exploring her pinterest boards. The same beautiful Boho style that you can find in her fashion label, House of Harlow (and her own wardobe), can be found in her interior style.

Check out some other stylish celebrity pinners here. Happy Labour Day to everyone in New Zealand, have a great day!